Dear parents and carers

Well it’s the last half term of the year (can you believe it!) and time for some of our preschoolers to start thinking about moving on to big school.


We are planning a fun filled half term!

So far we have enjoyed:-

  • Lino printing
  • Making houses
  • Football / Euro 2016
  • Parachute games
  • Gardening
  • Minibeast hunting

We can look forward to :-

  • Making flags
  • Cooking / baking
  • Weighing and measuring
  • Wildlife spotting
  • Dance workshops
  • Gymnastics
  • Being in the outdoor environment as much as we can!


I am sure you have noticed we have had a fair few students in preschool over the summer term. Samerah, Jade and Sophie (who have now left) were undergraduate students in childcare from Trinity All Saints University . We now have three PGCE students on placement; Rita and Holly who are with us all this week and Sarah Coulter (next’s year’s reception class teacher at Shire Oak) who will be with us all next week. Having this additional help has meant that the children have benefited from high adult to child ratios. This has enabled the children to extend their learning with adult support, develop their ideas and create on a larger scale.

Hot weather 

We are lucky to have a play area that is mainly shaded during the afternoons but please do ensure that children bring a sun hat in hot weather. We advise you to apply sun cream to your child before the session and we can reapply during the day with your consent.  We can reassure you that we will keep the children well watered with drinks and ice lollies during hot weather.

Transition to big school

Reception class teachers are starting to make contact and request to visit your children in preschool. When they come in they will observe your child at play and talk to their key person about how we can assist their journey into full time education.


Children who are leaving in July will receive a report. This report will be copied to your child’s new teacher. The report contains a section for parents and carers to complete. I will pass this to you in the next couple of weeks.


Preschool is looking very VERY full for September!

So, we are currently exploring the idea of expansion into another space in the Headingley area. If your child is returning to preschool next year or you have children who will probably attend in the future can we ask that you fill in the attached consultation questionnaire. We would like to gather your thoughts and feelings on extended hours before we make any changes. When completed please return to Michele.

Can we request that all registration enquiries are put in writing to Ellen.   Unfortunately no other staff members can authorise any changes to hours. Also can I remind parents that preschool requires six weeks / half a terms notice for any reduction of hours.  Any reduction in funded hours impacts the funding we receive from Leeds city council of which we rely on to run the preschool. Thank you

End of term – let’s have a Party! 

Preschool finishes officially on Thursday July 21st . we will be having our end of year party on Friday 22nd July from 10 – 12.00. Unfortunately ,we only have room to accommodate the children.

However…….. in the autumn Headingley PreSchool will be 35 years old!!!! We will certainly be celebrating this milestone, so watch out for a flyer/ invite coming your way soon. We want to gather as many parents, carers and children (or maybe teenagers or adults) as we can from families new and old  !!! so once we have the details , spread the word!

What a great year!

We have enjoyed this year with the children so much! What a great bunch you all are. Stay in touch if you are moving on , and enjoy the summer if you are returning nect year!

Love Headingley PreSchool

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